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Does anyone else remember "Treasure of Tarmin" for the Aquarius? I can only find links to the Intellivision version.
19 July 2005, 10:42:41
My god thought i was the only person who had one :)well i was the only person in school with one many years ago.
18 July 2005, 20:44:50
Dez Craven
just purchased an aquarius, had one as a child - gonna relive some memories.
anyone know of any usefull sites that do basic programmes to type in!!!!
30 June 2005, 18:06:53
Ben Chivers
A very nice web site!
20 April 2005, 10:52:52
Ik moest toch wel een beetje moeite doen om je site te vinden... Ben je inmiddels alweer online?
14 March 2005, 08:24:56
geinige site hoor
cu :)
2 March 2005, 05:51:27
Simon (UK)
Aquarius !!! I learned to program in Basic on an Aquarius in the early 80's.
It used to take ages typing in the programs for the games I used to write. Cheers for the memories!!!!!!!
Keep going... Great Site.
27 February 2005, 06:04:43
Stupendo ! E' stato il mio primo computer ! (E ancora funziona !)
Ciao ! 
12 February 2005, 16:30:50
Very good site!
11 February 2005, 00:47:54
Good job
28 January 2005, 03:02:10
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